Health Spain  LEÓN 01/06/2015

Researchers from León point to gene IL26 as a candidate for measuring tuberculosis susceptibility

In a study published in the ‘Immunology’ journal a scientific team from the Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León and the Ibiomed has taken a closer look at tuberculosis susceptibility in the elderly

Not all people infected by tuberculosis bacteria (Mycobacterium tuberculosis) fall ill. It is estimated that almost a third of the world's population is infected, but only a small percentage (some 8.6 million people) actually develop the disease. Researchers from the Internal Medicine Service of the Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León (CAULE) and the Instituto de Biomedicina (Ibiomed) of the University of León have been working for seven years on the analysis of the immune response to tuberculosis.

Micrografía electrónica de barrido con color artificial de Mycobacterium tuberculosis, agente causal de la tuberculosis Crédito NIAID
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Technology Portugal  CASTELO BRANCO 01/06/2015

The factors influencing the purchase of on-line travel are being studied

The Universidade da Beira Interior is drawing up a model for analysing the tourism sector on the Internet and is carrying out an extensive survey of users from all over the world

The volume of purchases over the Internet is becoming an increasingly important part of the economy as a whole and of the tourism sector in particular. The contracting of transport, hotels, or complete travel packages are among the most habitual Internet transactions. For this reason the Economy and Management Department of the Universidade da Beira Interior has studied the factors that influence travellers when purchasing on-line.

Viagem web.
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Nutrition Brazil  BRASIL 01/06/2015

Gut bacteria of Aedes aegypti could become a weapon against dengue

Researchers are trying to determine how the interaction between the insect's immune system and its gut microbiome could make it resistant to infection and unable to transmit the virus

Understanding how the bacteria that colonize the gut of Aedes aegypti influence the mosquito’s susceptibility to the dengue virus is the goal of a research project being conducted at the Botucatu campus of São Paulo State University (UNESP) with FAPESP’s support.

El mosquito Aedes aegypt vector del dengue. FOTO: AGENCIA FAPESP.
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Health Portugal  CASTELO BRANCO 29/05/2015

A new therapy for patients who have had cerebrovascular accidents

Researchers from the Universidad de Beira Interior are studying how to boost the effect of the cells that repair brain damage

The Health Science Research Centre (Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde, CICS) of the Universidad de Beira Interior is researching a new therapy to repair the injuries of patients that have suffered cerebrovascular accidents. The researcher Raquel Ferreira has been awarded for this project one of the Medals of Honour of L'Oréal Portugal for Women in Science, a prestigious award that has partly financed the initiative.

Raquel Ferreira.
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Nutrition Spain  LEÓN 29/05/2015

The modulation of the alcoholic strength of wines is researched by using plant hormones

The scientific team of the Vine and Wine Research Institute of the University of León has carried out an experimental test in collaboration with a wine cellar of the Toro Denomination of Origin

The Vine and Wine Research Institute of the University of León (ULE) has initiated a novel area of study on the modulation of the alcoholic strength of musts at the time of the harvest by the application of hormones. This research has great potential as alcoholic strength is an essential parameter in the production of wine not only from a business viewpoint but is also associated with numerous organoleptic characteristics and in short with its quality.

Viñedo. Foto: Enrique Garzón.
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Nutrition Portugal  AVEIRO 29/05/2015

The algae of the Portuguese coast are of great nutritional value

The University of Aveiro is carrying out a study of algae with the aim of developing new functional foods

The Centre for Environmental and Marine Studies (Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, CESAM) of the University of Aveiro, in collaboration with the Universidade Católica Portuguesa of Oporto, has studied the chemical composition of several species of edible seaweed from the west coast of Portugal to reveal their high nutritional value. The results of this research may help to develop new functional foods containing specific compounds for improving health or reducing the risk of contracting diseases.

Alga O. pinnatifida. Foto: Dina Rodrigues.
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Science Portugal  CASTELO BRANCO 28/05/2015

The Universidad de Beira Interior is studying how to improve swimmers' performance

A software simulates the behaviour of the human body in the water and helps to improve the techniques and the design of sportswear and sports accessories

The Sports Science Department of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the Universidad de Beira Interior is studying the factors that determine sporting performance by using software that simulates the behaviour of the human body in sports such as swimming. The researchers' work allows companies to design better sportswear and sports accessories and competitors to improve their style.

Natación. Foto: Luana Fischer Ferreira.
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Health Spain  LEÓN 28/05/2015

A mathematical model allows the prediction of schizophrenia at the time of the first psychotic outbreak

A team of Spanish scientists has designed prognostic markers that will allow the improved clinical handling of these patients

Researchers of the Institute of Biomedicine (Ibiomed) of the University of León (ULE), the Physiology Department of the Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU), the Centre for Biomedical Research on the Mental Health Network (Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Salud Mental, Cibersam), and the Hospital Universitario de Álava have developed a mathematical model for predicting schizophrenia at the time of the first psychotic outbreak by means of determining enzymatic activity during the admission of the patient.

Grupo de investigación de Jesús Seco. Foto: Ibiomed.
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Technology Portugal  AVEIRO 28/05/2015

The University of Aveiro studies the properties of cork chipboard

The scientists' objective is to find new applications for a product that is very important to the Portuguese economy

The most common use given to cork is that of the manufacture of cork stoppers for bottles. However, this activity generates a large amount of cork waste that is made use of to produce chipboard, which has many applications. Researchers from the University of Aveiro are analysing the characteristics of cork chipboard and in particular how this material responds to different load or impact resistance conditions.

Investigadores de la Universidad de Aveiro que trabajan con corcho. Foto: Ricardo J. A. de Sousa.
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Health Portugal  CASTELO BRANCO 27/05/2015

The influence of buildings on health is being researched

The Laboratory of Health in Building (LABSED) of the Universidade da Beira Interior is studying the environmental conditions of inner spaces that affect people's welfare

Most people spend about 90% of their time in closed spaces, in their own home and in workplaces and places for study and leisure. This is why the interior conditions of buildings are determinant for health, for example the temperature, the humidity, the noise, the quality of indoor air, and the building materials. The team of the Laboratory of Health in Building (Laboratório de Saúde na Edificação, LABSED) of the Universidade da Beira Interior in Portugal is researching all these aspects to achieve a healthier atmosphere.

Medición en un residencia de ancianos. Foto: LABSED.
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Nutrition Spain  LEÓN 27/05/2015

Tracing the “pedigree” of Valdeón blue cheese

Researchers from the University of León are studying in depth the microbiological, physico-chemical, and sensory characteristics of this traditional cheese from the province

The Food of Animal Origin Technology and Quality Research Group of the University of León (ULE) is working in an area with the ultimate purpose of determining the microbiological, physico-chemical, and sensory characteristics of one of the most traditionally crafted cheeses of the province of León, the blue cheese produced in the Valdeón Valley in the heart of the Picos de Europa.

Queso azul del valle de Valdeón.
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Education Portugal  AVEIRO 27/05/2015

New resources for learning maths

A study carried out at the University of Aveiro has analysed the connections between maths and science in the Science Garden

Researchers from the University of Aveiro have studied how to improve the learning of maths by using new teaching resources that they have implemented in the Science Garden, an informal educational space that promotes scientific culture in children. As well as encouraging knowledge of maths, this initiative also trains teachers and carries out research into science education.

Aquário da nossa costa, Jardim da Ciência. Foto: Sofia Nogueira.
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Health Portugal  CASTELO BRANCO 26/05/2015

A protein has been found that protects against breast cancer

Research with mice at the Universidade da Beira Interior shows that high levels of regucalcin prevent the development of tumours

A study of the Universidade da Beira Interior published in the scientific journal Experimental Cell Research shows that a protein known as regucalcin has a protective effect against breast cancer. Experiments were carried out on animals to pave the way to the use of this molecule to prevent tumours or develop therapies.

Animais controlos portanto em maior quantidade regucalcina. Foto: Silvia Socorro.
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Nutrition Portugal  AVEIRO 26/05/2015

A project aims to promote and protect the monumental trees of Portugal

Although Portugal is particularly rich in outstanding trees and enjoys very advanced legislation, this natural heritage needs to be identified and promoted, according to the University of Aveiro

Monumental trees differ from others of their species owing to their unusual size, their age, or their unusual shape, which means that they are of special natural, historical, cultural, or landscape interest. Characteristics such as their height, trunk diameter, crown shape, or their having witnessed historical events or appearing in myths and legends make these trees of public interest and therefore protected by law.

Araucaria bidwillii, árvore classificada de Interesse Público com 155 anos (Coimbra).
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Education Spain  LEÓN 26/05/2015

An ULE Group researches knowledge management by university students

The Didactic Excellence, Innovation, and Quality Research Group led by Professor Isabel Cantón Mayo has analysed the knowledge management of teacher training students

The Didactic Excellence, Innovation, and Quality Research Group of the Universidad de León (ULE), which is attached to the Department of General and Specific Didactics and Education Theory and led by Professor Isabel Cantón Mayo, is working on a line of research concentrating on knowledge management by university students.

Apuntes de un estudiante.
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Science Spain  ZAMORA 26/05/2015

Work on historical buildings in the province of Zamora

Leocadio Peláez, an architect and researcher at the University of Salamanca, explains the keys to restorations such as that of the Church of Valdefinjas or the Church of Santiago del Burgo

Together with a multi-disciplinary research team including historians, archaeologists, geologists, chemists, and engineers, the architect and researcher of the Polytechnic School of Zamora of the University of Salamanca Leocadio Peláez has been carrying out studies and intervention projects in various buildings and historical ensembles in the province of Zamora for over twenty years.

Planta del Monasterio de Moreruela. Imagen: Leocadio Peláez.
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Nutrition Spain  VALLADOLID 26/05/2015

Researchers from the UVA create models for simulating the world's energy systems

The Research Group for Energy, Economics, and System Dynamics is developing global and private energy models, for example for the Spanish transport system

The Recognised Research Group (Grupo de Investigación Reconocido, GIR) for Energy, Economics, and System Dynamics of the University of Valladolid (UVA) is currently working on several lines of research in order to develop computerised models for simulating the world's global energy systems. The objective is to monitor all energy variables and analyse how they are likely to behave in the future regarding supply and demand.

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Health Portugal  AVEIRO 25/05/2015

The University of Aveiro identifies specific DNA sequences of the Ebola virus

Experts in bioinformatics and computational biology publish a study that allows the distinguishing of different species of the virus and could help to diagnose and treat the disease

Specialists in bioinformatics and computational biology of the Institute of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science of the University of Aveiro (Instituto de Engenharia Electrónica e Telemática de Aveiro, IEETA) have identified specific DNA sequences of the Ebola virus that allow the differentiation of the various species of the latter and the distinguishing of the African outbreak of early 2014 from other episodes of the disease. This work, recently published in the scientific journal Bioinformatics, may have future applications in the diagnosis and treatment of Ebola.

Virus del ébola.
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Education Spain  SALAMANCA 25/05/2015

An application helps the integration in the class of students with auditory problems

The Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca is testing in classrooms an app that transcribes the teacher's words to help children with auditory difficulties

The Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA) has developed an application for mobile devices that aims to help students with auditory difficulties in the classroom. By means of this application known as Integrad@s the teacher can communicate with the student by means of a digital tablet or a mobile phone. When teaching he/she uses a microphone that transmits his/her words and the app transcribes them in real time. This makes it easier for the students to follow the explanations as they visualise in written form the oral expression of the teacher. A group of teachers is currently assessing its operation.

Una profesora prueba la aplicación con una niña con audífono.
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Education Spain  VALLADOLID 25/05/2015

A new teaching methodology gives students the skills companies require

A lecturer of the University of Valladolid has developed an innovative methodology known as Seminars for Collaborative and Competitive Independent Learning or SACC

When an graduate enters the labour market he/she is required to have acquired not only precise knowledge in his field but also a series of skills that have generally not been worked on during his/her university studies. These include the capacity to solve problems under uncertain conditions, creativity, independent work and self-study, social skills such as empathy or the capacity to negotiate, leadership capacity, decision-making, and organisational and planning skills.

Profesores analizan la nueva metodología docente.
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