Social Sciences Spain  VALLADOLID 05/05/2015

A study analyses the discursive strategies in the communication of sanitary crises

The doctoral thesis of the researcher of the University of Valladolid Javier Nespereira includes a case study of the influenza A pandemic of 2009

The researcher of the Department of Spanish Literature and Theory of Literature of the University of Valladolid (UVA) Javier Nespereira has carried out in recent years a study on the discursive strategies in the communication of sanitary crises, taking as an example the influenza A pandemic of 2009.

Niños protegidos contra la gripe A.
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Nutrition Spain  LEÓN 04/05/2015

A project analyses business areas in Northern Spain

The INVESTER Research Group of the Universidad de León has studied the arrangement, planning, and management of business areas

Researchers of the INVESTER Group of the Universidad de León (ULE), led by Professor Paz Benito del Pozo, have carried out a research project on the arrangement, planning, and management of the business areas of Northern Spain. The initiative has been financed by the Ministry of Science and Innovation for the three years of its duration (between 2011 and 2013) and its results are being revealed in numerous articles, books, and didactic resources such as the Atlas of Business Areas published by the Universidad de León or the book Territorial planning and the development of business land in Spain from the Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi publishing house.

Paz Benito del Pozo, profesora titular de Geografía Humana de la ULE y directora del Grupo INVESTER. FOTO: Grupo INVESTER
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Health Spain  SALAMANCA 04/05/2015

An application facilitates the follow-up of occupational therapy

The Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca has designed a system that facilitates professionals' work and improves patients' experience

A research project of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA) has developed an application that facilitates occupational therapy for both professionals and patients and makes it more efficient. The tool has been designed for both computers and mobile devices and helps to carry out the characteristic activities of occupational therapy: assessment, intervention, and analysis of the results.

Amparo Jiménez, catedrática de Diagnóstico Educativo y Profesional de la Facultad de Educación de la UPSA.


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Nutrition Argentina  ARGENTINA 04/05/2015

New experimental models to treat oral cancer

Researchers at the Conicet use nuclear power to treat tumors

The ideal therapy to treat cancer is the one that manages to destroy cancer cells without affecting healthy tissue. Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is an alternative radiotherapy technique that has more advantages than the traditional ones. This was proved in different countries where scientists carried out clinical trials for the treatment of glioblastoma multiforme and melanoma, and more recently in head and neck tumors, and liver metastases.

Las investigadoras Amanda Schwint y Verónica Trivillin. FOTO: CONICET
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Technology Spain  MADRID 30/04/2015

UC3M Creates Tool for Monitoring Brands on Twitter

Four indicators measure the degree of popularity, involvement, publishing reach and effort of brands engaged in the social network

Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has developed a monitoring tool with which brands can test the effects of their strategies on social networks. This program can control millions of “tweets” and reveal the strengths and weaknesses of brands in the Twitter universe.

Twitter como herramienta de monitorización para las marcas
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Nutrition Spain  SALAMANCA 30/04/2015

In search of the best biotechnology for treating water contaminated with metals

The Centre for Water Research and Technical Development (CIDTA) of the University of Salamanca is the scientific coordinator of a European project that aims to treat industrial water that has been contaminated with metals with biotechnical procedures

The Centre for Water Research and Technical Development (Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico del Agua, CIDTA) of the University of Salamanca is coordinating for four years (2014-2017) a European project that seeks new biotechnologies for treating industrial water contaminated with metals. Spanish, Portuguese, and French researchers are currently studying at a laboratory scale three different processes for eliminating metals from water by means of various biological components and processes. Shortly and as from the third year of the project three demonstration plants will be built in three industrial factories, one from the mining sector, one from the metallic sector, and one from the ceramics sector.

Equipo de investigación del CIDTA.
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Health Brazil  SãO PAULO 30/04/2015

Study shows how exercise protects pancreas in diabetics

The findings are described in a paper published in ‘The FASEB Journal’ and selected for the Research Highlights section of ‘Nature Reviews Endocrinology’

A study conducted at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) in São Paulo State, Brazil, has shown that interleukin 6 (IL-6), a substance secreted by muscles in response to physical exercise, increases the survival of the pancreatic cells that produce insulin in a type 1 diabetes model. “Besides reinforcing the importance of physical activity in the control of diabetes, the discovery paves the way to the development of drugs that simulate the action of IL-6 in the pancreas,” said Claudio Cesar Zoppi, a researcher at the Endocrine Pancreas & Metabolism Laboratory of Unicamp’s Department of Structural & Functional Biology, and one of the article’s authors.

Células beta pancreáticas, en las cuales la insulina aparece marcada en rojo FOTO: ESTELA GIL Y AMARYLIS WANSCHEL
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Nutrition Colombia  COLOMBIA 29/04/2015

Insoles created to reduce foot pressure for diabetics

A Faculty of Engineering research project is based on modelling customized orthesis to relief feet sole pressure when walking

Currently the project is being tested in five patients to whom they previously measured their sole pressures and performed conventional walking studies in order to develop insole topography. Researchers also carried out a clinical follow-up to observe their evolution. 

Con el modelo se evidencia cuantitativamente la interfaz de contacto entre el pie y la superficie de soporte. FOTO: UN
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Technology Spain  SALAMANCA 28/04/2015

A project of the University of Salamanca is developing woollen bags

Teachers of the Higher School of Industrial Engineering of Béjar have set in motion an initiative that aims to help to reactivate the town's textile industry

Teachers of the Higher School of Industrial Engineering of Béjar of the University of Salamanca are developing a project for the manufacture and marketing of different types of woollen bags. The objective is to sell an environmentally friendly quality product that could give a fresh boost to the traditional textile industry of Béjar.

Bolsas de lana desarrolladas en Béjar. Foto: Alberto Sánchez Patrocinio.
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Nutrition Argentina  BUENOS AIRES 28/04/2015

Researchers study the processes to preserve and enhance the quality of food

Science and technology are key factors to optimize productivity, food preservation methods and nutritional, health-hygiene and sensory quality of the products

Traditionally, Argentina has played a significant role in food production for local consumption and exportation. Science and technology are key factors to optimize productivity, food preservation methods and nutritional, health-hygiene and sensory quality of the products.

El equipo de investigación de Ingeniería de Alimentos de Plapiqui. FOTO: CONICET
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Nutrition Portugal  COIMBRA 24/04/2015

Fire, a key element in the ecological and evolutional process of the vegetation of the Mediterranean basin

Ecosystems prone to fire, such as those of the Mediterranean, are dominated by vegetation that is adapted to fire as a result of millions of years of this association between plants and fire

Fire Ecology is the scientific discipline that studies the role of fire in organisms and ecosystems. Despite the fact that fire has a generally negative connotation, it is part of the ecosystem and there is evidence that it has occurred ever since the appearance of land plants millions of years ago in the Palaeozoic, and that it has therefore influenced their evolution. For instance, ecosystems prone to fire, such as those of the Mediterranean, are dominated by vegetation that is adapted to fire as a result of this long association.

Incendio forestal. FOTO: B. Moreira.
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Science Spain  SALAMANCA 24/04/2015

The UPSA studies the evolution of podcasts in Spain and Latin America

The audio archives available on the Internet are a little known communication format that however attracts a loyal following, according to research by the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca

A project of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA) is analysing the evolution of podcasts, digital audio archives on very varied themes that users can find and share on the Internet. A study carried out at the UPSA observed the changes that occurred between 2008 and 2011 in Spain and Latin America, and the objective of the follow-up to this research is to continue to investigate the characteristics of this communication format and its consumption.

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Health Spain  SALAMANCA 24/04/2015

Drivers have bad memories

A study by the University of Salamanca confirms that driving reduces the brain's efficiency in other tasks that one tries to carry out at the same time, such as memorising the details of a conversation

The Recognised Research Group (Grupo de Investigación Reconocido, GIR) on Memory and Cognition of the Universidad of Salamanca has been studying for years different processes of the human memory, in particular the frequent distortions it suffers under normal conditions. One of these lines of research, which is being carried out in collaboration with experts from the United States, has led it to analyse what occurs when a person is driving a car. Experiments show that the efficiency of remembering the information received in this situation is very low.

Conductor al volante
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Health Brazil  SãO PAULO 24/04/2015

New bioglass reduces risk of titanium implant failure

The new material, informally called F18, is made of silica, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. Its properties include accelerating the formation of bone tissu

Researchers in the Materials Engineering Department of the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) in São Paulo State, Brazil, have developed a new glass material with bioactive properties (bioglass) that, when deposited on the surface of titanium dental and orthopedic implants, reduces the risk of cracking caused by bacterial infection and accelerates the bonding of these metal prostheses with bone tissue (osseointegration).

Superficie de titanio con biovidrio. FOTO: C. R. CHINAGLIA
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Health Portugal  CASTELO BRANCO 23/04/2015

Caffeine in moderate doses stimulates the formation of spermatozoids

A study reveals that low or moderate doses of caffeine encourage spermatogenesis, but that in high doses it could be harmful

A study indicates that caffeine can influence spermatogenesis, the formation of male gametes or spermatozoids. The study, which has been carried out by the Universidad de Beira Interior and recently published in the scientific journal Toxicology, indicates that caffeine in low or moderate doses stimulates this process, while in high doses it could be harmful.

Células de Sertoli humanas. Foto: Raquel L. Bernardino.
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Nutrition Spain  BURGOS 22/04/2015

An extra molar is identified for the first time in an Atapuerca hominid

This individual suffered dental decay, abscesses, pulpits, periodontal disease, severe dental wear and tooth picking marks

Human dentition is composed of 3 molars in each side of the mandible and maxilla. An extra tooth (supernumerary tooth) is something really weird. In present-day populations ranging from 0'1 por ciento to 3'4 por ciento. Instead this is an ancient phenomenon.

El cuarto molar es el primero por la izquierda - IPHES.
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Social Sciences Chile  ATACAMA 22/04/2015

ALMA reveals intense magnetic field close to supermassive black hole

This new observation helps astronomers to understand the structure and formation of these massive inhabitants of the centres of galaxies, and the twin high-speed jets of plasma they frequently eject from their poles

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has revealed an extremely powerful magnetic field, beyond anything previously detected in the core of a galaxy, very close to the event horizon of a supermassive black hole. This new observation helps astronomers to understand the structure and formation of these massive inhabitants of the centres of galaxies, and the twin high-speed jets of plasma they frequently eject from their poles. The results appear in the 17 April 2015 issue of the journal Science.

Esta ilustración muestra el entorno de un agujero negro supermasivo como los que suele haber en el centro de muchas galaxias. FOTO: ESO/L. CAL�ADA
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Nutrition Panama  PANAMÁ 21/04/2015

Squeezing through the energetic bottleneck

The tiny transmitters Dina Dechmann places on bats cannot surpass five percent of their body mass

The tiny transmitters Dina Dechmann places on bats cannot surpass five percent of their body mass. Unfortunately for Teague O'Mara, a Marie Curie Fellow based at the Max Plank Institute for Ornithology, STRI and the University of Konstanz no such restrictions exist for bat-tracking biologists. His gear includes a large, hand-held antenna, bulky headphones, a radio receiver hanging around his neck since his hands are full, and a sound recorder—all connected by a couple meters of cable. A GPS receiver, headlamp, compass and water complete the kit.

Equipo de expedición en pleno rastreo de murciélagos. FOTO: STRI
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Health Portugal  CASTELO BRANCO 20/04/2015

Over 28% of children are exposed to cigarette smoke in the family car

Research carried out by the Universidad de Beira Interior shows that Portuguese children aged nine whose parents smoke suffer five times more exposure to cigarette smoke in cars

An extensive study carried out by the Faculty of Health Sciences of the Universidad de Beira Interior of Covilhã, in collaboration with the Universidad del Miño of Braga, has found that over 28% of Portuguese children aged nine are exposed to cigarette smoke when they travel by car. Experts thus draw attention to this problem, which is particularly serious as these children are inhaling toxic substances in enclosed spaces, and recommend that measures should be taken.

Imagen de un hombre fumando un cigarrillo.
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Technology Spain  MADRID 20/04/2015

Developing a robotic therapist for children

It helps physically challenged children by encouraging them to perform exercises and correcting if not done properly

In collaboration with other national institutions, researchers at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) are designing a new therapeutic tool for motor rehabilitation for children. In this project, an interactive social therapist robot, which is totally autonomous, is able to perceive patients’ reactions and determine if they are doing their exercises correctly.

Grupo investigación de la UCM con el robot
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