Technology Spain  SALAMANCA 24/03/2015

The digital showcase of radio

A project of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca aims to make programme planning information and access to the broadcasts of all Spanish radios available to all listeners in a single Internet application

First day of class at the Faculty of Communication Studies. The lecturer is talking about "the dial" of the radio. The what? Some of the young people are not familiar with the term. They have probably never tried to tune in to a radio station on a traditional radio with its dial and numbers indicating the various frequencies on the Medium Wave (MW) or Frequency Modulation (FM) band. They belong to a generation that has grown up with digital media and with mobile phones that give access to almost all contents. The anecdote dates from the beginning of this academic year and reveals a new situation to which not all traditional means of communication are adapting in the same way.

Un usuario utiliza un móvil junto a un viejo aparato de radio.
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Social Sciences Portugal  COIMBRA 24/03/2015

A textbook presents Astronomy experiments aimed at Portuguese-speaking students

12 researchers from Portugal and São Tomé and Príncipe have published the book ‘From the Planet Earth to Space’, which has arisen as a result of the holding of the event ‘ECLIPSE 2013: History and Science in Príncipe’

A team of 12 researchers from Portugal and São Tomé and Príncipe have written a book entitled From the Planet Earth to Space that suggests a series of tasks and experiments in areas such as Astronomy, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, and Cosmology for junior high school pupils. The work, which is mainly aimed at teachers from the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa, CPLP), has a initial print run of 750 copies and has had the support of the International Bank of São Tomé and Príncipe and of the Astronomy Development Office of the International Astronomical Union.

Portada del libro Del Planeta Tierra al Espacio.
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Health Colombia  COLOMBIA 23/03/2015

Outer ears reconstructed using rib cartilage

Using this alternative, Surgeon and UNal Professor Gabriel Osorno reconstructs outer ears with live tissue by means of a technique using rib cartilage extracted from the own patient

This experience was published in the 1990s in the Colombian Journal of Plastic Surgery and in 1999 Dr. Osorno published his first series of 110 cases in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the most recognized plastic surgery journal in the world. Up to now Dr. Osorno has performed 540 reconstructive surgeries on 490 patients in Colombia.

Apariencia de una oreja reconstruida. FOTO: UN
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Technology Spain  SALAMANCA 20/03/2015

Podcasts, a tool for education and encouraging reading

The Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA) is working to develop a virtual sound reading club, which together with other initiatives using podcasting as an educational tool aims to help to improve oral expression in the educational system

Aurora Pérez Maíllo and Chelo Sánchez Serrano, lecturers at the Communications Faculty of the UPSA and members of the Media and Audiovisual Culture research group, have been working for years on the possibilities of podcasts, which are sound archives that users download from the internet, both for popularising radio among children and for teaching. Along these lines their most recent project is the creation of a virtual sound reading club model in which podcasts are the main user communication tool.

Aurora Pérez, Chelo Sánchez y Marcos Barajas, junto a una radio antigua.
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Social Sciences Spain  VALLADOLID 19/03/2015

Valladolid researchers help to shed light on the origin of Indo-European languages

A study published in the Nature magazine reveals that 4,500 years ago there was a massive migration of peoples from the Russian steppes to Central Europe, which favoured the expansion of Indo-European languages

Reseachers of the Prehistory and Archaeology Department of the Universidad de Valladolid (UVA) were part of the international scientific team that has shed light on the origin and expansion of Indo-European languages. In order to achieve this the most wide-ranging research work involving ancient DNA to date has been carried out, to be precise of 69 individuals who lived in Europe between 3,000 and 8,000 years ago.

Mujer joven enterrada en el sitio de Rothenschirmbach, asociado a la cultura campaniforme del Neolítico Tardío, Sajonia-Anhalt, Alemania. Credit: LDA Sachsen-Anhalt
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Health Spain  SALAMANCA 18/03/2015

Weight problems in young people influence their mood, their self-esteem, and the support they perceive

The Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca is researching factors related to eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia

Overweight or obese teenagers are in significantly lower spirits and have much lower self-esteem that those of normal weight. Moreover, they perceive much less social support according to research by the Psychology Faculty of the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca (UPSA).

María �ngeles Gómez, investigadora de la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca.
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Nutrition Portugal  COIMBRA 18/03/2015

Seabirds, excellent bioindicators of the health of marine ecosystems

Researchers of the Marine and Environmental Science Centre (MARE) at the University of Coimbra analyse the role of seabirds in marine resources with the ultimate aim of developing tools to help conserve the oceans

A group of researchers of the Marine and Environmental Science Centre (MARE), a joint centre of six Portuguese universities including that of Coimbra, analyses the role of seabirds in marine resources with the ultimate aim of developing tools to help conserve the oceans. The group, which is run by Professor Jaime Ramos, uses seabirds as a model of study as access to these animals is relatively easy compared with others such as fish or whales.

Trabajos de campo en la isla de Berlenga (Portugal). FOTO: Filipe Ceia.
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Science Spain  MADRID 18/03/2015

Study analyzes historic rivalry between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona

A study by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) analyses the historic rivalry between the two teams with the most season ticket holders in Spain

A study by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) analyses the historic rivalry between the two teams with the most season ticket holders in Spain: Real Madrid and FC Barcelona. The study explains the origins of their disputes, the transcendence of their encounters and their political and social influence.

Rivalidad entre Real Madrid y Barcelona. Foto: UC3M.
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Nutrition Panama  PANAMÁ 18/03/2015

Long-term tropical lizard decline linked to El Niño events

Natural ups and downs in the numbers of a tropical lizard species may be a result of global-scale El Niño events, according to a unique 40-year census conducted at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama

Natural ups and downs in the numbers of a tropical lizard species may be a result of global-scale El Niño events, according to a unique 40-year census conducted at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama. The estimated number of lizards on Barro Colorado Island has declined dramatically: In the last decade, census takers recorded only about 35 percent of the number of lizards, Anolis apletophallus, present during 1970-1980.

Anolis apletophallus, lagartija tropical. FOTO: STRI
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Health Spain  MADRID 17/03/2015

New system for detecting adverse effects of medications using social media

Researchers at Carlos III Universidad de Madrid (UC3M) have developed a system for detecting adverse effects of pharmaceutical drugs

Researchers at Carlos III Universidad de Madrid (UC3M) have developed a system for detecting adverse effects of pharmaceutical drugs by tracking information generated by patients on specialized blogs or social networks such as Twitter in real time.

Medicamentos y redes sociales. Imagen: UC3M.
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Health Portugal  COIMBRA 17/03/2015

Progress in the study of the mitochondrial changes that occur with cancer

Researchers of the MitoXT Laboratory of the Neuroscience and Cell Biology Centre of the University of Coimbra are studying in depth how these changes may act as a therapeutic objective

Mitochondria are organelles that play an essential role in the cell. As well as being responsible for cellular respiration, they regulate death, the signalling of calcium, the synthesis of steroids, redox homeostasis (the reduction-oxidation reaction), and cell ions. Researchers of the MitoXT (Mitochondrial Toxicology and Experimental Therapeutics) Laboratory of the Neuroscience and Cell Biology Centre of the University of Coimbra in Portugal are working essentially on assessing mitochondrial changes in cancer.

Una investigadora del laboratorio MitoXT (Mitochondrial Toxicology and Experimental Therapeutics Laboratory) del Centro para la Neurociencia y la Biología Celular de la Universidad de Coimbra (Portugal). FOTO: Teresa Serafim
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Social Sciences Argentina  ARGENTINA 16/03/2015

Conicet researchers contribute to the knowledge on the regulation mechanisms of genes in eukaryotic organisms

In the future, these findings may be applied in agricultural and health issues to provide for creative solutions

Marcelo Yanovsky, researcher of the Conicet at the Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de Buenos Aires (IIBBA, CONICET-IIBFL) [Institute of Biochemical Research of Buenos Aires] and his lab team proved that LSM genes, which are present in all eukaryotic organisms ranging from yeast to humans, are controlled by a biological clock. Experts affirm that faults in its function alter circadian rhythms not only in the plant world but also in in vitro culture human cells.

Marcelo Yanovsky junto a su equipo de trabajo. FOTO: M. YANOVSKY
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Health Brazil  BRASIL 13/03/2015

Test can help plan therapy against rheumatoid arthritis

The findings were recently published in 'Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)'

A test developed and patented by researchers in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo State, Brazil, makes it possible to identify patients with rheumatoid arthritis who will not respond to the drug methotrexate (MTX) even before treatment has begun. MTX is considered the gold standard for combating the disease.

Radiografía de la mano de un paciente con artritis reumatoide (imagen: Wikipedia)
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Health Panama  PANAMÁ 12/03/2015

Smithsonian scientists explain spread of chikungunya vector tropical disease

Chikungunya causes fever, fatigue and joint swelling and is transmitted by the Asian tiger mosquito, ‘Aedes albopictus’

The tropical disease chikungunya began twisting Western tongues last July when the first locally transmitted case was reported in Florida. Spotted in the Caribbean in 2013, the disease spread explosively throughout the Americas last year. Chikungunya’s arrival in Panama prompted Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) scientists to examine how human activity spreads its mosquito vector and the serious implications this has for disease ecology everywhere.

Aedes aegypti, insecto vector de chikungunya. FOTO: STRI
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Health Brazil  BRASIL 11/03/2015

New mechanism of cellular response to oxidative stress discovered

The discovery extends our understanding of how cells respond to this kind of aggression and may reveal new therapeutic targets for exploration in the treatment of several diseases

In a paper published by the journal Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, researchers at New York University (NYU) and Harvard University in the United States describe a new insight into the mechanisms used by cells to defend themselves from oxidative stress.

Estructura en 3D del complejo ribosomal. En azul, las proteínas modificadas por cadenas K63 de ubiquitina identificadas mediante espectrometría de masas cuantitativa (imagen: Silva et al., 2015/ Nature Structural & Molecular Biology)
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Health Argentina  ARGENTINA 10/03/2015

Argentine and german scientists found how a protein regulates the growth of some type of tumours

This finding would be used to develop localized therapies

In 2007, the team coordinated by Eduardo Arzt, CONICET senior researcher and professor at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences of the University of Buenos Aires, identified for the first time the genetic code for RSUME protein and discovered that one of the roles of this molecule is to modify proteins to assign new roles, for instance the ability to mediate the cell’s response to external factors such as lack of oxygen, etc.

Juan José Bonfiglio, Eduardo Arzt y Lucas Tedesco en el laboratorio. Foto: gentileza investigadores.
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Technology Spain  MADRID 09/03/2015

Study analyzes use of social networks for media purposes after 11-M

A study at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) analyzes how social networks were used between the attacks on March 11, 2004 (11M) and the demonstration in the Puerta del Sol on May 15th (15M)

A study at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) analyzes how social networks were used between the attacks on March 11, 2004 (11M) and the demonstration in the Puerta del Sol on May 15th (15M). “On the tragic day of 11-M, there arose doubts about what the traditional media was saying,” explained Eva Herrero, researcher in the UC3M Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication. The response to this doubt resulted in “a call through SMS to demand explanations from the politicians,” said Herrero. At the same time, she observed that “that day might be the starting point for the creation of an alternative agenda outside of newsrooms by citizens.

Redes sociales. Imagen: UC3M.
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Nutrition Panama  BOCAS DEL TORO 06/03/2015

Mysterious mangrove moth

Bloggers in Bocas Del Toro drew attention to an island in Dolphin Bay near Bocatorito where red mangrove trees are drying out

Earlier this month, bloggers in Bocas Del Toro drew attention to an island in Dolphin Bay near Bocatorito where red mangrove trees are drying out. “I watched this particular mangrove go from green to brown in a matter of two weeks,” wrote sailboat captain Steven Guling in a note to STRI staff scientist Andrew Altieri. “One local kid who often comes to my boat while in Dolphin Bay was describing a worm with teeth but at the time it wasn't quite that clear and I thought he was referring to something in the water.”

Orugas Automeris. FOTO: STRI.
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Nutrition Brazil  BRASIL 05/03/2015

Genetic analysis helps to map populations of large carnivores

Study of the DNA present in samples of hair or droppings helps researchers to discover information about the species remaining in fragments of Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes

Non-invasive methods of DNA analysis are helping researchers linked to Brazil’s National Biodiversity Research System (Sisbiota) to monitor populations of large carnivores living in the Atlantic Rainforest, the Cerrado, and transition areas between these two biomes in and near São Paulo State.

Guepardo. foto: Pedro Galetti.
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Social Sciences Chile  ATACAMA 04/03/2015

ALMA and VLT probe an Old-looking Galaxy in a Young Universe

A team of astronomers, led by Darach Watson from the University of Copenhagen, used ALMA and theVLT's X-shooter instrument to observe one of the youngest and most remote galaxies ever found

One of the most distant galaxies ever observed has provided astronomers with the first detection of dust in such a remote star-forming system and tantalizing evidence for the rapid evolution of galaxies after the Big Bang. The new observations have used the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to pick up the faint glow from cold dust in the galaxy A1689-zD1 and used ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) to measure its distance.

Ubicación de la lejana y polvorienta galaxia A1689-zD1 detrás el cúmulo de galaxias Abell 1689. Crédito: NASA; ESA.


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