Health Brazil  BRASIL 10/09/2018

New treatment reduces pain in patients with fibromyalgia

A scientific study has shown that application to the palms instead of to tender points on different parts of the body has better analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects

A new device that combines low-intensity laser light and therapeutic ultrasound considerably reduces the pain experienced by patients with fibromyalgia. A scientific study has shown that application to the palms instead of to tender points on different parts of the body has better analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. As a result of pain reduction, patients also sleep better and are able to perform daily tasks with less discomfort. Their overall quality of life also improves.

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Culture Spain  MADRID 06/09/2018

'The gens isiaca in Hispania': Egyptian gods in Roman Spain

Developed by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Researchers from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) have developed a geo-localised database which enables archaeological pieces from ancient religions to be located on the Iberian Peninsula. This platform, named “The gens isiaca in Hispania”, provides a catalogue with more than 200 remains from the Roman age on Isis and other Egyptian gods.

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Science Chile  ATACAMA 06/09/2018

ALMA observed an unstoppable monster in the early universe

Monster galaxies are thought to be the ancestors of the huge elliptical galaxies in today’s Universe; therefore, these findings pave the way to understand the formation and evolution of such galaxies

Astronomers obtained the most detailed anatomy chart of a monster galaxy located 12.4 billion light-years away. Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), the team revealed that the molecular clouds in the galaxy are highly unstable, which leads to runaway star formation. Monster galaxies are thought to be the ancestors of the huge elliptical galaxies in today’s Universe; therefore, these findings pave the way to understand the formation and evolution of such galaxies.

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Technology Spain  MADRID 05/09/2018

A location system to drive future wireless innovation

The new system will enable the early experimental investigation of network applications that use real-time location data and other context information in challenging indoor environments

There are many barriers to innovation in wireless communications. Inadequate documentation, uncooperative chipset manufacturers, widely varying hardware and software specifications, steep learning curves in the experimentation phase and difficulties in prototyping are among the biggest issues that hamper development.

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Nutrition Spain  SALAMANCA 03/09/2018

A new procedure allows treating used motor oil to exploit its potential energy

Researchers at the University of Salamanca study the use of supercritical water to transform highly hazardous organic pollutants into new high-calorific compounds

Used motor lubricating oils are currently considered one of the most important pollutant liquids in the European Union. Little more than 60% can be recycled, the rest is incinerated with the objective of taking advantage of its energetic power, which entails high environmental contamination risks. Researchers from the University of Salamanca are working to innovate in this field. In particular, they intend to use a very advanced technology, oil gasification with supercritical water, to transform them into other valuable compounds.

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Nutrition Brazil  BRASIL 31/07/2018

Amphibians face many challenges in Brazilian rain forest

The team's research establishes a baseline measuring the relationship between species occurrences and landscape features, including forest cover, topography and agriculture

Deforestation remains the biggest threat to animals that call the rain forest "home." However, even measured, sensible development projects can have unforeseen effects because there's no model to follow.

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Nutrition Portugal  PORTUGAL 27/07/2018

A protein that promotes compatibility between chromosomes after fertilization

The study, now published in the scientific journal 'EMBO reports', may pave the way for future developments in the clinical management of infertile couples

A research team from the Center for Biomedical Research (CBMR), at the University of Algarve (UAlg), and Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC), led by Rui Gonçalo Martinho (UAlg) and Paulo Navarro-Costa (UAlg and IGC) has identified the mechanism by which the fertilized egg balances out the differences between chromosomes inherited from the mother and the father. The study, now published in the scientific journal EMBO reports*, may pave the way for future developments in the clinical management of infertile couples.

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Technology Spain  SALAMANCA 27/07/2018

A technological platform to overcome the fear of driving

A project of the University of Salamanca teaches psychological techniques 'online' to improve road safety

Many people suffer from amaxophobia or fear of driving a vehicle, which besides being a problem for personal daily life, can put road safety at risk. Faced with this situation, researchers, psychologists and experts from the University of Salamanca have worked on the project 'Development of a Computer Application for Amaxophobic and Risk Behavior in Driving' (DAICRAC), which aims to provide an effective solution to this problem.

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Science Spain  MADRID 24/07/2018

A scientific study characterises our circles of friendships

Conducted by Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and Oxford University

The organisation of our friendships is guided to a large degree by our cognitive capacity when it comes to managing them, that is, by the amount of time and mental effort we can devote to them. This is one of the conclusions of a study which was published by researchers from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and the University of Oxford and which analysed these relationships from a mathematical perspective. The study has been published in the latest issue of the PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) journal.

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Nutrition Panama  PANAMÁ 23/07/2018

First report of stone tool use by Cebus Monkeys

White-faced capuchin monkeys in Panama’s Coiba National Park habitually use hammer and anvil stones, according to visiting scientists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI)


White-faced capuchin monkeys in Panama’s Coiba National Park habitually use hammer and anvil stones to break hermit crab shells, snail shells, coconuts and other food items, according to visiting scientists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI). This is the first report of habitual stone-tool use by Cebus monkeys.

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Technology Spain  SALAMANCA 20/07/2018

A smart shopping car for people with reduced mobility

Researchers from the University of Salamanca develop a system that includes an autonomous cart that follows the client throughout the supermarket and provides products information

Researchers from the University of Salamanca have developed a revolutionary shopping cart that will facilitate the acquisition of products in supermarkets, especially for people with reduced mobility. The car will be able to follow the user through all the corridors, will count the products that he has chosen and can offer information and advice on these products nutrition values.

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Nutrition Ecuador  GALÁPAGOS 19/07/2018

To tell the sex of a Galápagos penguin, measure its beak, researchers say

Galápagos penguins are the only penguins to live in an equatorial region. Like all penguin species and most birds, they lack external genitalia. In addition, male and female Galápagos penguins look similar to one another

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In eu dui non est venenatis lobortis. Donec iaculis iaculis turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam vitae arcu. Maecenas justo tortor, eleifend sed, fermentum vitae, condimentum vitae, diam. Vivamus mattis, ligula vitae commodo vulputate, lorem tellus semper nulla, vitae cursus nunc eros ut massa. Curabitur velit pede, lobortis a, ultrices sit amet, suscipit non, erat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In eu dui non est venenatis lobortis. Donec iaculis iaculis turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam vitae arcu. Maecenas justo tortor, eleifend sed, fermentum vitae, condimentum vitae, diam. Vivamus mattis, ligula vitae commodo vulputate, lorem tellus semper nulla, vitae cursus nunc eros ut massa. Curabitur velit pede, lobortis a, ultrices sit amet, suscipit non, erat.

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Nutrition Brazil  BRASIL 18/07/2018

Protecting tropical forest carbon stocks may not prevent large-scale species loss

Investments designed to prevent massive carbon losses from the world's tropical forests are likely to be least effective for biodiversity in the most ecologically valuable forests, according to research

Tropical forests are rich in carbon and biodiversity. As the world seeks to curb human-induced climate change, will protecting the carbon of tropical forests also ensure the survival of their species?.



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Nutrition Spain  SALAMANCA 09/07/2018

New fermentation starter allow the development of bread and other innovative products without gluten

A research from the University of Salamanca combines different yeasts and lactic acid bacteria to improve the quality of bread made with wheat flours or corn and rice flours, suitable for celiacs

A research project of the Institute of Functional and Genomic Biology (IBFG, a mixed center of the CSIC and the University of Salamanca) in collaboration with the University of Salamanca's Department of Microbiology and Genetics is developing new starter for bread fermentation. After isolating numerous beneficial microorganisms from natural sourdoughs, the researchers selected the best strains and formulated two prototypes, one for fermentation of wheat flours and the other for gluten-free corn and rice flours.

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Nutrition Portugal  PORTUGAL 09/07/2018

New mechanism involved in memory loss associated with aging discovered

Understanding these processes is crucial in defining new therapeutic strategies as aging is the greatest risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases

A study led by Luísa Lopes, Group Leader at Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes (iMM; Portugal) and published today in the prestigious journal Molecular Psychiatry, describes a new mechanism involved in memory loss associated with aging. The work developed over 3 years by a team of Portuguese, French and German scientists now shows that specific changes in the signaling of circuits involved in memory induce an abnormal response of the neurons in the brain that is associated with aging. Understanding these processes is crucial in defining new therapeutic strategies as aging is the greatest risk factor for neurodegenerative diseases.

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Nutrition Cuba  CUBA 05/07/2018

New results of Deepwater Horizon research to protect marine life against future oil spills

Researchers just published results of a seven-year study, recording the most comprehensive data available of marine life throughout the entire Gulf of Mexico

The University of South Florida continues to play an integral role in discovering the extent of damage caused by the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Researchers just published results of a seven-year study, recording the most comprehensive data available of marine life throughout the entire Gulf of Mexico.

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Nutrition Bolivia  BOLIVIA 02/07/2018

Researchers discover two new Miocene mammals in Bolivia

Litopterns: Extinct hoofed mammals similar to small moose

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In eu dui non est venenatis lobortis. Donec iaculis iaculis turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam vitae arcu. Maecenas justo tortor, eleifend sed, fermentum vitae, condimentum vitae, diam. Vivamus mattis, ligula vitae commodo vulputate, lorem tellus semper nulla, vitae cursus nunc eros ut massa. Curabitur velit pede, lobortis a, ultrices sit amet, suscipit non, erat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In eu dui non est venenatis lobortis. Donec iaculis iaculis turpis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aliquam vitae arcu. Maecenas justo tortor, eleifend sed, fermentum vitae, condimentum vitae, diam. Vivamus mattis, ligula vitae commodo vulputate, lorem tellus semper nulla, vitae cursus nunc eros ut massa. Curabitur velit pede, lobortis a, ultrices sit amet, suscipit non, erat.

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Health Spain  MADRID 29/06/2018

Sounds of moving objects change perceptions of body size

When there is a mismatch between the sensory signals a recalibration of the mental representation of our body height occurs

Sound and object motion can be used to change perceptions about body size, according to a new study by an international team led by a researcher from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M). The study, published in PLOS ONE, found that when there is a mismatch between the sensory signals (in this experiment, when the sound made by dropping a ball takes more than we expected), a recalibration of the mental representation of our body height occurs.

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Nutrition Uruguay  URUGUAY 29/06/2018

Hunting and fishing activities cause dietary changes in South American fur seals and sea lions

The results show that these species’ diets were different until late 20th century, when they started coinciding without overlapping each other

Researchers of the Faculty of Biology and the Biodiversity Research Institute (IRBio) of the University of Barcelona reconstructed the dietary habits of South American sea lions and seals in the area of Rio de la Plata (Uruguay) over the last 7,000 years. The results show that these species’ diets were different until late 20th century, when they started coinciding without overlapping each other.

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Technology Spain  SALAMANCA 27/06/2018

A device to control tinnitus patients evolution at home

The BISITE group of the University of Salamanca develops a project that will improve the lives of people suffering from tinnitus

Tinnitus is a hearing alteration characterized because the patient perceives a beep sound, without coming from outside, since it is generated in the ear itself or in the auditory nerve. Although it has no cure, it can be controlled so the patient can live a relatively normal life, but the diagnostic tests and follow-up in a clinic are complex. Therefore, the BISITE research group at the University of Salamanca has developed a simple device so that the patient can self-assess at home and doctors have more information about their condition.

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