Nutrition Mexico , Nuevo León, Monday, September 29 of 2014, 10:25

TecSalud treats cardiac failure with spinal cord stimulation

Millions of people with heart problems could potentially enjoy better quality of life thanks to collaborative research by the Tecnológico de Monterrey's Cardiology Chair and Houston's Methodist Hospital

ITESM/DICYT "One of our research's most important contributions was having identified a new technology to treat patients with terminal heart failure, exploiting the connections existing between the brain and the heart. This yields a new window for tapping this relationship in aid of cardiac function," stated TecSalud Dean Guillermo Torre-Amione, M.D., regarding the research conducted by the Tecnológico de Monterrey's Cardiology Chair in collaboration with Houston's Methodist Hospital.


Research by a team of doctors from both medical institutions discovered that implanting a device known as a spinal cord stimulator in a patient optimizes heart function.


Dr. Torre-Amione underscored that performing this type of procedure had been challenging up until now, "but today we have found less complex treatment options that are perfectly suitable for humans. This research has made us medical trailblazers in Mexico and the world," he said.


As a result of this novel procedure, the prestigious European Heart Journal published the paper titled "Spinal cord stimulation (SCS) is safe and feasible in patients with advanced heart failure: early clinical experience", by Dr. Guillermo Torre-Amione, of the Tecnológico de Monterrey Medical School's Cardiology and Vascular Medicine Chair, and the Houston Methodist DeBakey Heart & Vascular Center in Houston, Texas.