Health Spain  SALAMANCA 26/04/2013

Genetic sequencing to fight leukemia

A research team in Salamanca is the only Spanish partner in this project

The European Commission has launched a project under the Seventh Framework Programme in which a dozen partners from universities and companies work together in order to sequence the genome of leukemia patients; the main objective is to design tailored and more effective therapies. The study is to be conducted between 2013 and 2015 and a research team from Salamanca is participating as the only Spanish partner.

Jesús María Hernández Rivas, en el Centro de Investigación del Cáncer.
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Technology Spain  PALENCIA 25/04/2013

Biodegradable packaging made of bread and pastry leftovers

The Centro Tecnológico de Cereales in Palencia (Spain) is part of this project

According to experts, bread and pastry leftovers are currently used, in less than 20%, in animal feed products. The remaining leftovers are brought to the dumping site without separating them from their package, which makes their recycling process more complex. Throughout a European project involving the Centro Tecnológico de Cereales (CETECE), a cereal technology center in Palencia (Spain), the ultimate objective is to make good use o these byproducts in order to design a beneficial alternative for the environment: a polymer to make biodegradable plastic packaging.

Recuento de microorganismos en los laboratorios de Microbiología del Cetece, una de las tareas que se enmarcan en el proyecto BREAD4PLA (FOTO: Cetece).
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Health Spain  LEÓN 24/04/2013

A polymorphism that modulates responses to exertion

Researchers have studied the gene for superoxide dismutase enzyme and its effects on oxidative stress

Polymorphism is the existence of various alleles of the same gene. It refers to variations in the sequence of a given DNA fragment among individuals of a population and, if they affect the coding or regulatory sequences and cause major alterations in the protein structure or in the regulation of its expression, may produce different phenotypes. In recent years, it has become clear that genetic polymorphisms may have a great importance regarding the individual response to physical exercise. The Instituto de Biomedicina de la Universidad de León (Ibiomed), and institute for biomedicine, is working on this research area.

Modulación del estrés oxidativo por el polimorfismo de la SOD (FOTO: Ibiomed).


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Health Argentina  BUENOS AIRES 24/04/2013

Clandestine textile workshops: manufacturing disease

According to a study conducted by a CONICET investigator, life and work conditions in these establishments increase the risks of contracting tuberculosis and other pathologies

In Argentina, human trafficking is a criminal offense associated with Bolivian immigrant workers’ exploitation at clandestine textile workshops (TTC) in the city of Buenos Aires (CABA) and its metropolitan area (AMBA), where articles of clothing are produced for different brands. The precarious conditions, overcrowding and unhealthy conditions that characterise these illegal workshops affect not only workers’ health but also, in many cases, employees’ children who live with their parents in the same premises.

Las condiciones de precariedad, hacinamiento e insalubridad que caracterizan estos talleres ilegales afectan seriamente la salud de los trabajadores. Foto: Gentileza investigador.
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Health Spain  VALLADOLID 22/04/2013

A mathematical model to foresee diabetic retinopathy progression

The system, based on confocal microscopy images, allows to discover prone to risk areas such as blood vessels that may get damaged
Diabetic retinopathy is a chronic condition linked to diabetes. It refers to the most prevalent vascular disease occurring in the retina and is classified into two types: non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (it develops first and is characterized by enlarged blood vessels in certain areas) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (the most severe and advanced type producing new fragile and breakable blood vessels). Development and progression of diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of blindness worldwide, are related to changes in blood sugar control. Javier Finat, responsable del Grupo MoBiVAP (Modelización, Biomecánica y Visualización Avanzada) de la Universidad de Valladolid.
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Health Spain  SALAMANCA 19/04/2013

A new model to analyze auditory-vestibular nerve damages

The Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León works hand in hand with The University of Manchester to understand problems that current tests are not able to detect

According to recent research, some hearing disorders caused by auditory-vestibular nerve damages are currently clinically undetectable, but they have important functional consequences, mainly because they lead to hearing impairment in noisy environments. The Instituto de Neurociencias de Castilla y León at the Universidad de Salamanca (Incyl), a neuroscience center in Spain, has formulated a theory to explain the impact those damages have on hearing and have come up with a method to simulate the problem in order to analyze it.

Corte transversal del oído humano
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Health Spain  LEÓN 19/04/2013

A study on the use of mesenchymal stem cells 3D culture in animals

This experiment, conducted in a tissue bank, may be important for ophthalmology, traumatology, cardiac surgery and others

Mesenchymal cells are adult stem cells from bone marrow. Due to their regenerative properties, they are “a major tool to develop new therapeutic strategies in order to solve problems that present-day medicine is not able to satisfactorily resolve”. As we were told by Francisco Javier Iglesias Muñoz, director of the Banco de Tejidos de Castilla y León (a tissue bank) and member of the Fundación Clínica San Francisco de León, a body researching on the use of Mesenchymal stem cells 3D culture in animals, with applications in clinical areas such as ophthalmology, traumatology and cardiac surgery.

Una bióloga trabaja en el banco de tejidos de la Fundación Clínica San Francisco.
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Health Spain  SALAMANCA 18/04/2013

A kit to make early diagnoses for colorectal cancer

Scientists and companies join together for a project aimed to identify tumor markers
The Universidad de Salamanca takes part in a study led by a company called Proalt (Madrid) that aims to develop a new method for colorectal cancer early diagnosis. The increased prevalence of this type of tumor requires an earlier an better identification of sarcomas and relapses in order to reduce mortality. Colodetect project pursues this goal by analyzing molecular markers with a simple blood test to determine the presence of tumors. The ultimate objective is to develop a kit to be used in any hospital to automatically and quickly perform tests and obtain results. Francisco Javier García Criado, investigador de la Universidad de Salamanca.
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Social Sciences Chile  ATACAMA 17/04/2013

ALMA pinpoints early galaxies at record speed

These galaxies are of key importance to our understanding of galaxy formation and evolution over the history of the Universe

A team of astronomers has used the new ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) telescope to pinpoint the locations of over 100 of the most fertile star-forming galaxies in the early Universe. ALMA is so powerful that, in just a few hours, it captured as many observations of these galaxies as have been made by all similar telescopes worldwide over a span of more than a decade.

En color rojo seis de las galaxias captadas en las observaciones de ALMA, más nuevas y precisas. ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), APEX (MPIfR/ESO/OSO), J. Hodge et al., A. Weiss et al., NASA Spitzer Science Center.
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Health Spain  VALLADOLID 17/04/2013

Cataract surgery upgrading

According to estimates, 400,000 cataract operations are performed every year in Spain

Cataract surgery is the most common surgery in ophthalmology. According to estimates, 400,000 operations are performed every year in Spain. Cataract surgery is the removal of the natural lens of the eye that has develop an opafication (which causes vision loss), then, an artificial lens is implanted allowing to restore vision. Researchers from the Instituto de Oftalmología Aplicada (IOBA), an institute of applied ophthalmology in Valladolid, Spain, have studied the refractive state of patients after cataract surgery is performed in order to optimize operation’s end results.

Esquema del funcionamiento de un biómetro ultrasónico de contacto (FOTO: Victoria de Juan).
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Health Spain  VALLADOLID 16/04/2013

A method to detect opioid allergies

The technique will allow to prevent severe adverse reactions to opioids, not only used as illegal drugs but as anesthetic and analgesic drugs in medicine
Allergens and antigens are substances that produce allergies or any hypersensitivity reaction in people who have previously been in contact and are susceptible to them. Patients with allergies to plant products like pollen, nuts and fruits are very common; but, until recently, nobody had thought of hypersensitivity to other biological products: drugs such as cannabis, cocaine and heroin. This issue was set out in 2008 by a research team in the Hospital Río Hortega in Valladolid, Spain, which has delved into this new line of work for the last five years obtaining significant results. Papel aluminio conteniendo cocaína obtenido de un paciente en un hospital.
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Health Spain  LEÓN 15/04/2013

Researchers find a protein inducing liver tumor cells death

The study was published in the 'British Journal of cancer'
Researchers at the Instituto de Biomedicina (Ibiomed), Universidad de León, Spain, in cooperation with scientist from Universität Mainz (Germany), have made further progress on studies linked to melatonin (a natural occurring human compound) effects on apoptosis (process of programmed cell death) on liver tumor cells. Specifically, the team led by José Luis Mauriz has found that therapeutic melatonin levels increase apoptosis without damaging normal cells through FoxO3a, a protein able to get into cell nucleus and induce the expression of another pro-apoptotic protein called Bim. Sara Carbajo-Pescador, investigadora del Ibiomed
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Health Colombia  QUINDÍO 12/04/2013

Researchers make progress in studies about curcumin to treat dengue fever

The virus is endemic in a large share of the world population
A group of researchers from the Coffee-Growing Axis (Eje Cafetero), in Colombia, makes progress in studies that aim to control dengue virus, currently considered a major health threatening disease in children, adolescents and adults. Dengue fever is a delicate and life threatening infectious disease; it is transmitted by mosquitoes within Aedes aegypti specie. When biting people, they trigger epidemic outbreaks in populations. Laboratorio de la Universidad del Quindío se realizan los estudios para avanzar en el control del dengue
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Technology Spain  LEÓN 12/04/2013

Microorganisms to prevent corrosion in metal structures

The Instituto de Biotecnología de León, INBIOTEC, takes part in the BIOCORIN European project that aims to develop a biotech product
The Instituto de Biotecnología de León, INBIOTEC, an institute of biotechnology, takes part in an European project that aims to develop a biotech product to prevent corrosion in metal structures of all kinds: from bridges to underground pipes. This proposal called BIOCORIN has nine partners: companies, research centers, etc. from six European countries (Spain, Germany, Greece, Italy, Slovenia and the Netherlands). New Biocoting for Corrosion Inhibition in Metal Surfaces, is led by the Spanish company Acciona Infraestructuras and its main objective is to use protective microorganisms to prevent others to produce deterioration. El hongo Aspergillus sp., aislado de superficies metálicas corroídas. Imagen: INBIOTEC
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Nutrition Spain  SALAMANCA 11/04/2013

Salamanca is part of a major european project researching on seed quality upgrading

The Centro Hispanoluso de Investigaciones Agrarias (CIALE) is the only Spanish partner in this project comprising five different countries

Scientists from CIALE, an agricultural research group from the Universidad de Salamanca, are part of a major European project endorsed in 2012; its main objective is to study the quality of various plant species seeds in a four year period. It aims to study the way environmental conditions may affect different aspects such as germination in order to obtain upgraded seeds. Scientists from Austria, the United Kingdom, Germany and France are part of this initiative; CIALE is the only Spanish partner.

Placa en la que los científicos comprueban el diferente grado de germinación de las semillas en función de los experimentos que realizan.
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Health Spain  SALAMANCA 10/04/2013

Researchers look for altered genes in lung cancer

The Hospital Universitario de Salamanca looks for biomarkers to improve therapies for the deadliest cancer of the Western world

The departments of anatomic pathology, pulmonology, cardiothoracic surgery and oncology from the Hospital Universitario de Salamanca are a multidisciplinary team that aims to study new therapeutic targets in lung cancer, the leading cause of death in the Western world. Their end goal is to identify biomarkers in lung carcinomas that may be useful for more specific therapies.

Imágenes de diferentes muestras sobre las que se aprecian diferencias entre tumores. Foto: María Dolores Ludeña.
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Health Spain  SALAMANCA 09/04/2013

Cardiovascular functioning directly linked to time spent watching TV

Study conducted with 732 adult individuals in six Spanish primary health care centers

A study conducted by six primary health care centers in Barcelona, Zaragoza, Cuenca, Bilbao, Valladolid and Salamanca has found a direct relationship between television watching number of hours and some cardiovascular health parameters. The more adults watch TV, the worst their vascular functions are, according to results published in the American Journal of Hypertension.

Raúl Riesco, responsable de proyectos de Inteco, da órdenes con voz al decodificador de TDT.
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Health Spain  SALAMANCA 09/04/2013

A benchmark technology platform for researchers seeking answers in DNA

The Banco Nacional de ADN, part of the USAL’s NUCLEUS Platform, stores and distributes samples for scientific research

Prodigious development of genomics during the last few years has lead to many DNA study based biomedical breakthroughs. Diagnose, prognosis and development of therapies for all kinds of conditions are linked to genetic studies. That explains the increasing importance of biobanks as storage centers of biological samples used by researchers. This is the ultimate objective of the Spanish National DNA Bank, a service provided by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III located in the Centro de Investigación de Cáncer de Salamanca, a cancer research center, and it also belongs to NUCLEUS, the Plataforma de Apoyo a la Investigación de la Universidad de Salamanca, a platform aimed to support research.

Muestras conservadas en nitrógeno líquido.
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Technology Spain  MADRID 08/04/2013

Using social networks for mobilization has its limits

Mobilization by social networks is fast but it does have certain limits

Mobilization by social networks is fast but it does have certain limits. That is the main conclusion of an international study in which Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) scientists participated, published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Mapa de densidad de cómo de fácil es encontrar a alguien (o algo) en una zona de Estados Unidos, según el modelo creado por los investigadores. (Azul = difícil, rojo=fácil). Los círculos indican los globos de DARPA en 2009. Imagen: UC3M.
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Health Spain  VALLADOLID 08/04/2013

A study suggests olive oleanolic acid may have therapeutic potential

The IBGM (a biology and molecular genetics institute) laboratory in Valladolid, Spain, led by María Luis Nieto has proven the efficiency of this component regarding inflammatory based diseases and therefore, has filed a patent application

The Unidad de Inmunidad Innata e Inflamación (a innate immune system and inflammation unit) in Valladolid has being working for eight years in a research area based on oleanolic acid’s potential (it is a triterpenoid distributed in the cuticles and leaves of olive trees) as an active ingredient to tackle the symptoms and sings of conditions strongly based on inflammatory processes such as multiple sclerosis (MS).

Estudio del potencial terapéutico del ácido oleanólico en un modelo expeirmental de esclerosis múltiple. Capacidad fagocítica de células de microglía, la principal línea de defensa del Sistema Nervioso Central, en presencia de ácido oleanolico (O
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