Environment Panama  PANAMÁ 10/12/2021

Secondary forests restore fresh water sources in degraded landscapes

Analyses of microbial communities in streams across different land use types suggests that passive reforestation rapidly restores water quality in lowland tropical watersheds

New research, published in Scientific Reports by Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI) postdoctoral fellow Karina Chavarria and colleagues, shows that bacterial communities in streams adjacent to young secondary forests recover to resemble those of mature forest streams in as little as a decade after cattle has been removed from the land, and that these communities are robust throughout the year.


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Technology Spain  MADRID 10/12/2021

A system that combines solar energy and a chemical reactor to get more from biomass has been designed

A new system allows more to be got from biomass, such as forest and agricultural waste

Researchers at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and the University of Rome "Tor Vergata” (Italy) have designed a new system that allows more to be got from biomass (such as forest and agricultural waste) thanks to a chemical reactor that works with a small solar power facility.

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Space Chile  ATACAMA 03/12/2021

Stellar cocoon with organic molecules at the edge of our galaxy

The discovery, which revealed the hidden chemical complexity of our Universe, appears in a paper in 'The Astrophysical Journal'

For the first time, astronomers have detected a newborn star and the surrounding cocoon of complex organic molecules at the edge of our Galaxy, which is known as the extreme outer Galaxy. The discovery, which revealed the hidden chemical complexity of our Universe, appears in a paper in The Astrophysical Journal.


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Technology Spain  MADRID 02/12/2021

Facebook advertising can be targeted at a specific person

According to a study the UC3M has participated in

A piece of research undertaken by scientists at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) and the Graz University of Technology (Austria) shows that an advertising campaign on Facebook can target a specific person, with the campaign being based only on four unique interests assigned to the user by the social network.

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Environment Chile  CHILE 02/12/2021

What genetic drivers control the longevity of a species?

That was the central question of a new study published this month in the Science journal. And one of the authors was our UC Chile professor Juliana Vianna

A group of scientists of various universities studied the lifespan of fish. Why? Because some species have wide variations in lifespan even though they are the same family: rockfish.

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Technology Spain  MADRID 30/11/2021

Arturo Azcorra has been elevated to IEEE Fellow in the category of "Technical Leader"

For the scientific and industrial impact of his research contributions to the development of 5G technology

Arturo Azcorra, founding director of IMDEA Networks and professor in the Department of Telematics Engineering at the University Carlos III of Madrid (UC3M), has been elevated to the rank of IEEE Fellow in the “Technical Leader” category, for the scientific and industrial impact of his research contributions to the development of 5G technology. In this way, he becomes the first scientist in Spain to be designated IEEE Fellow in the “Technical Leader” category.


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Technology Spain  MADRID 30/11/2021

Breaking the symmetry of sound waves allows the sound to be directed to a certain place

According to UC3M research

Research undertaken by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) has concluded that sound can be directed to a certain place if the sound waves’ symmetry is broken. In order to carry out this work, recently published in the Nature journal, researchers used the whispering gallery phenomenon, a circular, vaulted room in which you can hear what is being said in a specific part of the room from anywhere, even if it is being whispered.

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Technology Spain  MADRID 23/11/2021

Robotics and artificial intelligence to improve health rehabilitation

A Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) spin-off developed a robotic device that provides an innovative motor and cognitive rehabilitation service

A Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) spin-off, Inrobics Social Robotics, S.L.L., has developed a robotic device that provides an innovative motor and cognitive rehabilitation service that can be used at health centres as well as at home. Inrobics was created using research results from the University’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering.

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Technology Spain  MADRID 16/11/2021

Protecting the spectrum users with Internet of Things

The SOCRATES project has demonstrated that it is possible to protect the spectrum from malicious intruders by identifying and locating unauthorized transmissions

Led by IMDEA Networks Institute (a networking research organization based in Leganés, Madrid, Spain), the SOCRATES project concluded successfully at the end of October 2021, experimentally showing that a novel Internet of Things network can be used to protect the spectrum, identifying and localizing unauthorized transmissions. The project received funding from NATO’s Emerging Security Challenges Division – Science for Peace and Security Programme (SPS). The two other collaborating partners on the project were the ElectroSense, a not-for-profit association in Switzerland (a crowd-sourcing initiative that collects and analyses spectrum data), and Katholieke Universiteit (KU) Leuven in Belgium.


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Environment Panama  PANAMÁ 12/11/2021

Orchid bees show remarkable resistance to major climate events

The longest continuous study of euglossines in the tropics found relatively stable populations of these wild bees over four decades

In the tropical forest of Barro Colorado Island (BCI), Panama, metallic blue, green, gold and red bees follow the fragrances of flowering orchids. Male euglossine, or orchid bees, are wild New World bees attracted to the strong scents produced by flowers, fungi and fruit in nature. These pollinators’ populations, and their response to major climatological events, are the focus of long-term studies by David Roubik and Yves Basset, both staff scientists at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI).


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Technology Spain  MADRID 29/10/2021

Wireless communication devices without batteries? Research and sustainability, united through light

A research team of IMDEA Networks Institute has introduced Internet of Things (IoT) devices that communicate without any batteries and harvest energy and receive data through visible light

A team of researchers, led by Domenico Giustiniano, Research Associate Professor at IMDEA Networks Institute, Madrid, has presented important advances in the creation of sustainable wireless communication systems. This represents a new step towards making battery-free devices a reality, through the convergence of two emerging technologies: LiFi and radio frequency (RF) backscatter. Potential applications include smart homes, smart cities, and smart agriculture.

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Environment Panama  PANAMÁ 08/10/2021

Vine takeover

The accelerated proliferation of these woody vines, due to natural disturbance, is altering forest structure, regeneration and functioning

Lianas are the bridges of the tropical forest. These long, woody vines contribute to the high diversity of tropical plants and, by linking forest trees together, they also help animals move about the canopy. However, their abundance is increasing dramatically, which may be linked to natural forest disturbance. To test this hypothesis, a team led by Stefan Schnitzer, a Research Associate at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), followed the fate of more than 117,000 rooted liana stems over a 10-year period in a 50-ha area of old-growth forest in Panama’s Barro Colorado Island (BCI).

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Technology Spain  MADRID 21/09/2021

A patent granted to IMDEA Networks recognizes a new breakthrough in the study of millimeter wave bands

The Spanish Patent and Trademark Office recognizes innovations in research to maximize the capabilities of signals for use in society

IMDEA Networks Institute has just been granted a new patent (in this case in Spain, in addition to the one already granted in the United States), a new recognition by the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office of its technology transfer process to the market. Method for determining geometric information of mmWave networks devices has been developed by the team formed by researchers and former IMDEA Networks researchers as Guillermo Bielsa, Joan Palacios, Paolo Casari, Joerg Widmer, and Adrian Loch.

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Social Sciences Spain  ESPAÑA 23/07/2021

Expenses for university R&D&I increase moderately in Spain

According to the IUNE Observatory’s 2021 Report

Total public spending on university R&D&I gradually increased by 6% between 2016 and 2019, increasing from 8,989 to 9,554 million Euros, although it has still not reached 2008 pre-recession levels, when 10,628 million Euros were invested. This data comes from the most recent edition of the IUNE Observatory’s Report, which analysed university R&D&I over the last decade (2009-2018) and which allows its figures dating back to its first edition in 2003 to be consulted. The observatory belongs to the 4 Universities Alliance (A4U, in its Spanish acronym), formed by the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB, in its Spanish acronym), the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM, in its Spanish acronym), the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M, in its Spanish acronym), and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF, in its Spanish acronym).

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Technology Spain  MADRID 20/07/2021

An automated flight control system for drone swarms has been developed

Creating new procedures that improve mass drone traffic is the purpose of LABYRINTH, a European research project

Creating new procedures that improve mass drone traffic is the purpose of LABYRINTH, a European research project coordinated by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) with the participation of 13 international organisations within the R&D&I, transport, emergency, and auxiliary services fields. Researchers hope to use these drone swarm applications to improve civil road, train, sea, and air transport, making it safer, more efficient, and more sustainable.

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Space Chile  ATACAMA 20/07/2021

EHT pinpoints dark heart of the nearest radio galaxy

The astronomers reveal how a gigantic jet is being born

An international team anchored by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration, which is known for capturing the first image of a black hole in the galaxy Messier 87, has now imaged the heart of the nearby radio galaxy Centaurus A in unprecedented detail. The astronomers pinpoint the location of the central supermassive black hole and reveal how a gigantic jet is being born. Most remarkably, only the outer edges of the jet seem to emit radiation, which challenges our theoretical models of jets. This work, led by Michael Janssen from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn and Radboud University Nijmegen is published in Nature Astronomy on July 19th.


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Health Portugal  PORTUGAL 07/07/2021

Into the complexity of microbial communities

New research bridges colonization processes and complexity in interacting systems of microbes, adding to a body of work with implications for understanding how biodiversity is maintained and how it changes

Microbial communities form complex ecosystems, built on networks of interactions. Gut bacteria, inside our bodies are an example, and we depend on them to help us digest food, to control our mood, or to protect us from infection. Nasopharyngeal multi-strain bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae are another example, often carried asymptomatically but sometimes causing trouble to the host. Depending on underlying diversity, microbial community dynamics can lead to different outcomes between health and disease, and display different stability or resistance to invasion.

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Technology Spain  MADRID 02/07/2021

A new framework to improve the performance and flexibility of supercomputing

Spanish scientists have accelerated massive data processing in urban environments and mobile telephony industries or in the detection of parasites in beehives, among other fields

Researchers from the European research project ASPIDE, coordinated by the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), have created a tool and utility pack for high-performance software developers to improve performance and flexibility when creating applications within the supercomputing industry. As a result, they have accelerated massive data processing in urban environments and mobile telephony industries or in the detection of parasites in beehives, among other fields.

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Technology Chile  CHILE 30/06/2021

Chilean discovery lays the foundations for the creation of clothes and plastics with super properties

The scientific breakthrough was led by researchers from the Physics Department of the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile and the Millennium Institute for Research in Optics MIRO

Completely waterproof windbreakers, shirts that do not stain the underarm area, mega-resistant and ultra-light parka, are some of the items that could benefit from a technology developed by Chilean scientists. “We work with liquid crystals, the same ones that are in the screens of cell phones and high-tech televisions. What few people know is that they are the essential basis for forming polymers, a type of plastic, the same ones that make up many of the fabrics of the clothes we wear every day,” explains Gregorio Gonzalez, a Ph.D. student in science with a mention in physics at the University of Chile.

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Technology Spain  MADRID 22/06/2021

Patenting a fibre optic monitoring system for 5G light-powered networks

This system will optimise energy consumption, preserving data transmission capacity

The Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), together with the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV), has patented a multicore fibre optic monitoring system for future use in 5G networks. This system will optimise energy consumption, preserving data transmission capacity.

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